Saturday, July 7, 2012

June bugs, pumpkins, and grape tomatoes.

 Lots of pictures this time-- not much news. The pumpkins are turning orange, the tomatoes are looking great, the okra continues to grow, no deer, and the squash bug battle plods on.

 These are the beer squash. Lookin' good so far!

 June bug.

 Close up. He looks like he could take out a few squash bugs.

 This is the vine I dusted. The success has been... medium. There was maybe a day where I didn't see any squash bugs or eggs on it. Now the squash bugs won't lay eggs directly on the powder, but they don't seem to mind climbing all over it. Back to the drawing board. (Thinking about diatomacious earth. It's worth a shot.)

 Here's my ghetto tomato staking job. Note to self: train tomatoes to climb early on. It's a pain picking up a zillion vines off the ground.

The slug traps are a massive (and incredibly gross) success.

 THIS is an adult squash bug.
Not alive.

A day's harvest.

Happy belated 4th, while I'm thinking about it. Our cats were fascinated by the flags we put up in the window.

 Pumpkin's coming along.

This is the ground beneath the pumpkin leaves. Compost cantaloupes abound.

This is the mint patch, helpfully labeled by yours truly.

And the flower garden. Mom wants me to grow spaghetti squash in it instead of letting the weeds reign.

They're late, but who knows? A little compost, a little protection against squash bugs and vine borers, and maybe we'll have some spaghetti squash come October.

Again, helpfully labeled. This bush has been here for years, and is still a little shrimpy. I'm going to have to see if I can encourage it a little. Maybe by clearing away some of the weeds.

My view while weeding around the grape tomato plants.

Grapes! No, tomatoes! Grape tomatoes!

Yeah, this was the most boring post ever. Oh well. I'm on vine borer watch all this week-- I'll keep you posted.


  1. Soooo, is that going to be a jackolantern pumpkin, or an EATIN' pumpkin :3

  2. Jack o'lantern, if it can last till October. Unless it's smaller pumpkin cousins turn out to be made of candy, in which case it might get eaten. ^__^
