Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pasta's Gardening Adventure

Meet Pasta.

Pasta is an Enderman.

He is almost 14 inches tall, if he raises his long, noodle-y arm.


 He tries.

Pasta is going on a garden adventure.

He's thinking of titling it "Pasta and the Beanstalk".

Pasta appreciates beauty.

 Okra flowers hold no creepiness for an Enderman like Pasta.

One time, I looked right at an Enderman by mistake. I almost died.

Pasta is good at climbing.

 Moderately good, anyway. Okra forests are difficult to climb.

 Very difficult.

Pasta finds a watermelon.

Did  you know that Endermen love tomatoes? 

I didn't. But now you know.

Pasta is in tomato heaven.

Roma tomatoes are especially delicious when they come in varieties as big as your head.

Speaking of heads, Pasta has a new friend.

This praying mantis is an expert at camouflage.

 Or he would be, but he lives in this purple shiso bush. (It's a type of Japanese basil.)

Pasta does not judge his friend.

But he will judge you, if you do not appreciate the beauty of this Chinese hot pepper flower.

 Pasta is overwhelmed by green hot peppers.

So he chills out with Patch, the elderly queen of the outdoor animals.

The queen is not amused.

Fully recovered, Pasta decides to try cat-wrestling.

 A good start.

 The ferocious feline is on the ropes.

Definitely on the ropes.

Oh crap.

Pasta is defeated.

Tune in next time for more gardening adventures!