Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joe rocks!

He's not actually in the picture, but there were two tiny squash bugs caught in his web. Awesome job, hired gun. You've earned your pay.

The slugs have been taking chunks out of my tomatoes, and it was high time I did some work on the situation. So I hit the store and picked up some cheap beer to use for traps.

Ah, PBR. I remember sorting thousands and thousands of your crushed aluminum cans in college. Nothing like the smell of stale beer-soaked rubber gloves on a hot day to conjure up fond memories. 

It was super hot out, and it must've made my camera lens fog up here, or something, so the next couple of pictures look a little like they were taken in the forbidden misty forest, or something.

This is the site of the trap. If it weren't so foggy, you might be able to see the hole I dug for the little glass dish that's acting as the trap.

Tada! Now it's full of PBR. Slugs like beer, so hopefully they'll fall in and never bother my tomatoes again. (Resetting the traps is probably going to be gross.)

I had a little extra beer left in the can, and I really don't like beer. This little squash plant looked like it needed some fortification, though.

Cheers to you, squash plant. Please don't grow beer flavored squash.

A final note, I'm dipping into chemical warfare against these squash bugs. I've been holding my own pretty well so far, and dad's been a big help too on the days I'm in town and don't drive home in the morning before work. But when you have several new batches of baby bugs and, like, two hundred new eggs every day, you've got to think a little more long term, I figure. Or rather, seriously look for a way to end the war before you get overrun.

So this is a powder that says it'll do the job. It also kills bees, and should not be in contact with your skin. Yay pesticide!

I really need it to be on the bottom of the squash leaves, right where it's ridiculously hard to apply. I'm testing it on the most-infested area to see if it does any good. If not, I'll be wearing protective gloves to squish squash bugs these next few days~ and then I'll be looking for another solution. Watch out, squash bugs. Your time is coming. The time when you die.

1 comment:

  1. Diatomaceous Earth! Kills things dead! You can eat it with no consequence, doesn't hurt your hands at all, just uh, don't breathe it XD You'll cough a LOT and it will suck. Just spray/sprinkle/dust your plants with the stuff every few days, and after it rains and you should be good :3

    You might want to rescue Joe though >.> otherwise, he'll die also...
